Best 12 vitamin rich food for healthy nail and skin - Thrijung


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Best 12 vitamin rich food for healthy nail and skin

Best 12 vitamin rich food for health nail and skin.

Healthy nail and skin

Best 12 vitamin rich food for health nail and skin.

Best 12 vitamin rich foods for healthy  nail and skin, the health of our skin hair and nails, can predict
our overall health. it shows whether we are taking a healthy diet or not perfectly glowing skin. shiny
of hair and healthy nails cannot come from just cosmetics. a healthy diet is a must you need to
nourish them with proper vitamins and here is the list of foods.

Follow step by step.

Healthy nail and skin Mangoes.

For healthy mangoes may be high in sweetness and calories, but one mango doesn't harm, in fact, it can only help keep your eyes healthy.

Vitamin K Gayle kale.

Vitamin K Gayle kale is helpful in reducing under-eye circles and this all. because of the presence of vitamin K, it eradicate dark circles, from the skin both internally and topically other greens like glitz greens, spinach mustard and chard, are also the excellent source of vitamin K.

Pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin seeds have biotin protein, iron copper, potassium magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids, copper helps in developing collagen and elastin which maintains strength of skin. it makes skin look fuller and plumper and also aid to good health of nails and hairs.


Parsley it is a food high in chlorophyll, which help in purifying blood and treating skin related issues. it helped in healing wounds rashes acne and even eczema the proper flow of blood keep
hairs and nails stronger and healthy.


Straw berries have decent amount of vitamin C, which prevents skin from oxidative damage and ensure. its elasticity a trace mineral found in strawberries, is beneficial in keeping hairs and nails, healthy strawberries are also helpful in boosting wound healing process.


Seaweed the compounds and minerals found in seaweed encouraged, the growth of skin
and hair health the compounds prevent wrinkles. formation on skin and protected from cellular damage kombu alum and Joaquim are seaweeds you must try for stronger hairs and perfect skin.

Green tea.

Green tea has oxidants that keep our body green from toxins and maintain overall health a compound found in green tea, called epic Ala, cottaging late is known to protect skin from Asia FETs and can repair damage to tissues. it can also prevent skin cancer also to keep hair
and nails healthy.


Pomegranates have polyphenol antioxidants and a compound named illogic acid which is known to prevent free radical damage. it reduces the effect of sun and aging and also
prevents skin cancer, the yummy fruit can be easily added to diet in form of snacks for healthy hairs nails and skin. ''Best 12 vitamin rich food for health nail and skin''.


Armand's  b-complex vitamin named biotin is found in Armand's, the
vitamin helps in preventing hair loss and keep your hair stronger shiny and bouncy you can add them to your diet as snacks.


Oats, the best way to have beneficial biotic and other B vitamins, in your morning breakfast is oats oats reduce skin inflammation. lower stress purifies skin and provide nutritional support to yourselves to keep the three hair nails and skin healthy.

Orange root.

Orange root veggies pumpkin, winter squash, carrots and sweet potatoe,s all are loaded with vitamin A and vitamin C, the vitamin prevents stress and keep your hairs skin and nails healthy.


Carrots one of the richest sources of vitamin A is carrot. It is said that just one carrot has 200% of  your daily value of vitamin A, plus it has got other essential nutrients like vitamins B, K, and C, as well as fiber and magnesium.

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