Learning about nail anatomy.
About nail Anatomy?
In this article I
well share you a quickly discuss nail Anatomy with you. So let's start
with anatomy of a nail we're going to talk about what is cuticle because that
is a very big topic and everyone has a
different idea, of what they think cuticle is how we identify living skin and
also some common prep tools and again we're going to do the manual style,
let's talk about the nail matrix, quick the
nail matrix is really back in this part of our finger.
so it's the part that we can't see it's hidden
underneath the tissue and this is where our fingernail grows
from now you know. when you're going to do some cuticle prep so our nail matrix
is back in here the root of the nail is essentially the first part of the nail
plate that starts to grow from the matrix so the nail matrix makes our nail plate
and then the root of the nail is the very
back part where the nail starts to grow from then we have the proximal
nail fold which is the skin that is the thickest part of the skin that just
barely starts to touch our nail plate on the exterior of our finger. Eponym the
nail plate itself the nail bed which is the part
underneath the nail plate that's like if you were to peel off your nail that
squishy part underneath it would be bleeding like crazy is your nail bed so
that's the part that keeps your nail plate
attached to your hand and we also have the free edge, the fingertip which is
you know the Phalanx. which is the bone inside of our finger and also the
hyponym, starts to grow out onto the nail plate the
nail plate itself is this whole area this whole piece is your nail plate is
underneath so if you were to take off your nail which would be really gross your
nail bed is underneath your nail play the free edge is this part right here on the very end. so this
part that grows off. the tip of your
finger is the free edge and the free edge could be anywhere it could be back
here because the person bit their nail down it could be way out here.
lot of people think
the eponym cam is the cuticle and that's actually not the same thing the
eponym. is kind of semi translucent so
right behind the eponym is the proximal nail fold that proximal
nail fold is that skin that is right there at the base of our nail plate the
ebony qiyam is that thin skin that's attached to the proximal nail fold and
then the cuticle is actually that
dried tissue that grows out onto the nail plate so it detaches from the eponym
and grows out onto the nail plate. we also have hang nails hang nails are kind
of fly you know free
flying and pieces of skin that have become detached from our finger and
sometimes they tear and they cause bleeding but they are loose pieces of skin. often you know we
can help to remove or sometimes they need to heal on their own.
basic cuticle pusher spoon on it and on the other end it has this
little scraper piece and the scraper is really to gently help remove dead
cuticle that is on the nail plate now remember the cuticle
is not this part of your finger the cuticle is actually. so the cuticle is that
dried skin that's on the actual nail plate itself and so that little scraper
tool helps to remove that. so this is a spoon
cuticle pusher,
that have a different type of pusher like this now. because it pushes
back like it just kind of it pushes back against the finger the only
disadvantage is it's a little bit more aggressive. so
for someone who has sensitive skin you're probably just going to want to stick
with your cuticle pusher like so and with the little scrapey bit on the end sometimes they have
a point sometimes they have this type of curved scraper and there's also
cuticle pushers that are a little bit more simple they're just flat like.
we're talking about how to identify what we're going to remove, through these Article so when we push back our cuticles a lot of people they tip their cuticle pusher up like this in order to push back the cuticle they do it about 50-degree angle we don't want to do this because what we're doing is we're putting downward pressure on the nail plate and if we're shoving this back we're also putting downward pressure on our matrix which over time can damage our nails can you remember our nail matrix is where our nail grows from and if that gets damaged we're gonna ruin our entire nail plate because it's gonna grow in a deformed
way and our nail
plate will never be at normal again so when you do your cuticle pushing you
want you to actually put it at more of a parallel angle. gently push
back and
just use kind of like a back-and-forth gentle motion not using a lot of
pressure. just trying to gently scrape any dead tissue, prep the nail plate and
remove the old product all at the same time. the nail Anatomy get you guys to
understand what is cuticle what is ebony qiyam what we're doing when we're
doing cuticle work and really suggest you guys remove water and cuticle
remover as much as possible in your services you know that sounds insane
because there is literally like a whole world that's built around water and
soaking your nails and that's how we grow up it's like manicures soaking your fingers and water but it really does a number your nail plate
it also does a number on your skin and it makes it much more difficult for you
to identify what is living tissue and what isn't when all of your skin is wet
and translucent and you can't see the difference, so once you guys to just
try this, try it out.
Thank you for reading my article.
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