How to apply normal polish|Best technique at home or in salon - Thrijung


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How to apply normal polish|Best technique at home or in salon

How to apply normal polish|Best technique at home or in salon

apply normal polish|Best technique at home or in salon

How to apply normal polish|Best technique at home or in salon

Apply normal polish

First thing, you're going to do before you even start to apply normal polish. You're going to use nail polish remover to remove any nail polish. Any oil you know from any of the products. that we've used.

So preparing the nail for the normal  polish application in doing. So Using lint-free  the reason we do this is to avoid any like fluffy cotton wool bits on here, because that will show through onto your normal polish application later and you really don't want to be getting into trouble with this and also we're using acetone free.
Normal polish remover and the reason we do this is that again it's not as damaging to the nail. as other products that you may find on the shop. so when you are buying your normal polish remover. Please do remember  acetone free is the best product. now so we need to remove it any old normal polish that might be from previous that we haven't removed. ''apply normal polish|Best technique at home or in salon''

How to apply normal polish|Best technique at home or in salon

How you can apply base coat
Next step  applying  base coat  hold your bottle in your Hand because  it just gives that sense of security when you taking your base coat away out of your bottle.  You will going to clean one side completely because what you don't want to do is for it if I didn't do it it is just going to flood and we don't want to have that so you're going to clean one side completely and leave a little bit on the opposite side remembering also that some Nail are smaller or some nails are larger than others.

So you're going to need more  Product. but for the small nail, We need very little you going to walk up the nail with your base coat, because we don't want is again to flood into your cuticles. But we do touch up to the cuticle down the  sides in the same way. You're going to do with your actual Normal polish application later. Now the reason we use a  'base  coat' is to prevent staining of the nails. So if you're a nail polish lover and it's really good that you do this there are some really good products on the Shop. Good product brand, Like cuccio or O.P.I and many other product. you  know if you get good products. They do last longer the finish is
really quite and nice. So this is really nice Technique. As well especially, If you're at home and you're you know. not an experienced or not a pro painting your nails it's a  really nice 'technique,' You know for you to start out with.

Apply normal polish

How to apply normal polish|Best technique at home or in salon

How to apply normal polish color
Now we're going to apply color, Same technique as base coat, We're going to clear one side of your bottle.
So that one side of your brush is free of Polish, and then we've got it on the opposite side.
We're going to apply a little straight line across and this is where having pushed back your cuticles is really important, because now it won't flood into your cuticles. So we do one stroke across and one down likely bringing it's like feathering it's. So light what you doing because if you pushed hard on your brush, it would like give little marks again a little brush across the top and any debris we can clean with our finger or any like  took pick ,because it's wonderful so and this is quite good because it's so fine. So if you wanted to take that little piece away you have done it with a took pick, which is quite useful.''apply normal polish|Best technique at home or in salon''

So again nice amount Of normal Polish, And just gently glided along don't be in a hurry or in a rush.
You have to wait for your polish to come off, the back of your brush. if you need more polish,just dip in again clean the sides and nice little lines like I said.  it's like a feathering technique nice and gentle off the brush and down. the side and one little stroke across the top to secure and it kind of seals your normal polish polish and I like to use just a little took pick, if you just get any on the Sides and repeat on each finger.
I think you'll also see the benefit.
apply normal polish
second coat  color and it's beginning to give a really nice finish sometimes depending on the quality of the normal polish you may have to do a very third light coat and sometimes with you know the really modern colors some ho you can see through them a little bit so you may require a third what very light coat you don't want putting normal polish. on too thickly because you'll find within a few hours or the next day it's just going to lift normal polish should last you a really good normal polish and a nice manicure should last you up to five to seven days. apply nail polish you'll see it's a nice really quite an easy Technic.

Apply top coat! 
Now we're going to apply  top coat, Again same principle but don't overload your brush that's kind of the key.
Thing just take the amount that you feel is a good is that it's not going to flood the minute. you get it or drop in you know that you're in control of it. So again we're going to walk up because if you get it into the Cuticles as it grows out in a couple of days time it's just not very nice it'll stick to the newly growing cuticles but you do still have to cover the whole nail in the same way you would polish so don't think. to leave a little bitter to leave the side and the reason we use our topcoat is just to give it that nice shiny healthy finished look.
How to apply normal polish|Best technique at home or in salon

Apply normal polish
Making sure that you're not going out directly,How to apply normal polish?
That you have left time, you know to allow the nails to dry really does take time to dry.
So I Would say about 15 to 20 minutes to an hour to let them dry. You know while on the Surface they may seem quite dry it's actually you know we've put a base coat two coats of Polish and your top coat so it does need time to dry properly and if you do that it will again ensure that your manicure will last a good for one weeks. I hope you this article will help you.
How to apply normal polish

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