How to apply a acrylic overlay(tips and tricks nail extension and nail shape) - Thrijung


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How to apply a acrylic overlay(tips and tricks nail extension and nail shape)

How to apply a acrylic overlay( tips and tricks nail extension and nail shape)

 In this article, I'm going to share you tips and tricks, how to apply a acrylic overlay! tips and tricks nail extension and nail shape.
let's get started. Example  Natural pink or nude color, that's what we're going to use  today you can see the difference these are very pink in color. and that's what we're gonna work with but I do want to show you.  how they look we're gonna go for a pink. look today but if you're looking for. hands we've sanitized and now I put the tips on all fingers. and a thumb and then we're gonna do the index finger let me show you how to do. I well recommend.
How to apply a acrylic overlay(tips and tricks nail shape)

How to apply a acrylic overlay(tips and tricks nail extension and nail shape)

As you can see on this picture. This file it's a 100 to 180  grit ,so use it still very gently on the natural nail. so I use the kind of the round tip that's quite an advantage when you're trying to work in that cuticle that's what we're gonna do now so very gently you can go in circular motions and all you're doing is removing the shine off of the natural nail in every little corner don't press too hard. pressure but it is just ever so lightly because we wants to get moving just a little bit it's just ever so slightly.

  But you do wanted to get into every little corner because if it's mist and it's just still the natural nail and it's a bit shiny the acrylic won't stick to that part and it could lift and in the world of nail lifts that's huge even though it's a little area. it's a huge lift you don't want that so we're just gonna file it so ever so gently just give it a nice file there we go and then you want to take a little duster and just get rid of the dust so the product I'm using today is called beauty secrets that's what they had in  salon. and i wanted to buy everything you can use so this is what I grabbed.

 so I do have the nail liquid that goes with the system this is the monomer but about this little glass dish, too there so you can put your monomer. in it okay so now we want to put the last tip on when you're sizing a tip it's really important and ''how you do that you don't want to do them'' a little shy because all these products shrink just a little. so you'd rather have your tip a little bit bigger than a little bit too shy right of the sides so this is the medium sizes. they have a little number listed that's a for the lower the number goes the bigger. the tip is so this is a three and you can see I'm just gonna show you the difference in the sizing you can see this is just a big if I press that into her finger it's just a little bit big on the sides and you don't want them to look big and wide and then if I put this one which is a five because you have to press it in and it does go away to the side but if it shrinks a little it's gonna be a little tight so before I think is a better size for her you could just nicely fit it in there and it goes right from side to the other side of her finger you can see it fits in there quite nicely so here's my glue and it's a brush on glue and I'm just going to take it put it down you got to be kind of speedy at this point I'm gonna put your glue in the well and then you wanna flip it over and see that little Ridge in there see that see-through part you want to fit that right under her nail you want a press hold it for a few seconds and then it should be happy okay so we don't need these guys now with the tips obviously those are too long so you've had square before right yeah and you would like a different shape what shape would you like almond.

Nail extension
 We're gonna go for almond shape, so these are look at these things this handy tool is a tip cutter. I mean you don't have to have it cuz, you could take a hand file and just file it down but that's a lot of extra work. so we don't want them super long. so I always ask my client what kind of length would you like oh you want to on the longer side my mine are really long you go to works. what links would you like not to yeah so maybe just like this kind of shape but maybe not quite as long but still got that kind of look.

 So if I think of it that way I'm at the point of my almond the point of it to come in my mind I'm going to say maybe to about here right and the sides are going to taper down so I'm going to take my tip cutter and I'm gonna put the nail in there and I'm gonna take a good look from the top make sure I measure it right give it a good squeeze and this one even has it where it catches it from right in the end it doesn't even go flying.

Now you don't have to do it totally perfect because you could shorten it up again later what you want to get each and every one of them cut off. so you don't have to deal with that extra link you don't want to have to put the extra product on there and you don't want to have to file it if you don't want to and then I'm going to take the thumb down okay so that's getting a little bit better now we're going to apply acrylic as the overlay on top of these so what this does with the tip it actually just removes the whole form process you don't have to actually fit the form and custom do it if you don't know how to do forms this is a great way to get the shape of the nail down without having to form it before you put the acrylic or gel whatever overlay system you're using on top of these the tip must be file so you want to get your file again gently buff the surface of the tip it's just too smooth for anything to stick to properly so we just want to plot the surface of the tip a little bit so you want to do that to all of them. you could pre buff the tip but they're hard to hang on to it's much easier to buff the tip when it's actually believed to the nail this is prepping for whether you're doing acrylic or gel now it comes to shape she wants to have them almond I'm gonna cover these completely in acrylic for strength because these are just not strong enough these are really flimsy these are really bendable they'll break off in a second so we want to put an acrylic overlay in doing so there's no point in putting it overlay on top of this whole square long nail so I'm models will shape them now which would take off the ends quite a bit and allow a lot less part to go on it so I'm gonna shave them up now when you're filing a nail that's kind of on the long side hold the clients nail bed like that really tight just like this so that they don't feel that vibration it feels really gross if you don't hold it you just watch you can see it just kind of you see the naturally I'm moving back and forth that doesn't feel good if you hold it you can put much more pressure on it to get that nail shaped up much easier tips file very easily look how fast you can just file that right up that doesn't take long at all so these still are probably a bit long I would think for her shaving routine so sometimes you don't know how long it is until you kind of look at it and what do you think pages she'll think that's a bit long eh or whatever you do so I think we can cut off a little bit more on each and every one just to save all the extra filing. really just taking off a tiny time a little bit let's check this out and see if she likes that I always do this with a client. just to make sure to get the shape that they want sometimes in doing that you discover that they want another shape or that they described it wrong or it doesn't really look as good as they thought so it's really kind of good to determine this before you continue all of them what do you think is that looking a bit better yeah little more doable so I just took off a tiny bit so I'm gonna just take it off the ends a little bit just to save ourselves all that extra filing. yeah and look at that one I think that looks way better this is like almost like a little too pointy yeah that looks way better so. I'm just filing a little bit where they've joined see if I can get rid of that seem a little bit just to make it look a little bit more seamless the tip file is really easy so you should be able to blend that tip line see the diff see those two tip lines I just blended this one a little bit more than this one so I'm not sure the coverage that the pink is going to have so I want to blend that tip a little bit more. so we just want to make sure there's no dust on there and then we want to take your primer you don't want to over saturate that nail you just want to make sure that it's in there but not flooded don't flood that cuticle and you don't have to put it on the tip part it's really meant for the natural nail okay now brush is the most important tool of the trade in my opinion I've got a couple of different ones here one of my favorite shapes and that sizes is the oval eight that's what I have here and again I bought this right at Sally's it's got that packing stuff in it so you just have to take it out and I'd bought another size brush actually this is just different shape this is a square brush.  so I'm excited to see what this pink is called extreme pink see what it looks like I've got the clear to I don't know if I'll need it but I just wanted to be prepared if we in case we do okay so I'm going to use the Oval eight and I'm going to I've got my monomer over here so I'm just gonna get my brush and I'm ready for the liquid and I'm gonna go in line with my first bead now this is of course product you can buy at home but working with acrylic actually takes a lot of skills so if you're trying this for the first time I wouldn't recommend you do it on a real person I'd recommend you do it on a piece of paper, or a fake hand. but be warned it's hard to do it takes time I do have a lot of article. on your liquid to powder ratio and you might want to check that out as you're trying to form this bead so I gotten go into natural pink powder.

And I'm gonna collect my first bead oh it's really pretty and I'm gonna put that right there now if you're first learning I wouldn't start with a bead this size and I'm going to press that bead the whole idea is to make that cuticle nice and thin and then work that bead over the entire tip this tip, is not going to be strong enough on its own so it must be fully encapsulated or covered with acrylic or gel whatever you are using it must go over top of the whole thing it's very pretty now placing that I mean it looks really easy because I know what I'm doing but it takes years of experience to do one bead like that and put over top of the whole nail and there's so many things that are going on such as the cuticle has to be smooth and flush and the arch has to be in the right spot and the free edge has to be at a right thickness. and I feel like that's pretty good but even the knowledge that I have I'm still going to look at it sideways so on that you just want to make sure you've got that nice arch in there and that looks pretty good then I'm gonna look down the nail this way to make sure that I've got a nice thick enough coating not thick but thick enough to span over top of that tip area to make sure there's enough strength here and that looks pretty good so I'm going to break down this nail a little bit more as in maybe three beads so here's the first bead and we'll do that near the cuticle just put that little guy right there and then we only have to really manage this one bead. so you want to get rid of that access so it doesn't dry real thick on us but we want to focus on this cuticle area and we want to make it nice and flush this is one of the hardest things to do so if you can't get this don't be hard on yourself this is really tough and sometimes you might think it looks great but if it's to flush toward the cuticle it can't actually look good if it's matching the cuticle being this to the cuticle this is the acrylic and if they're together like this. that means this is too thick going up to the cuticle height it looks good initially but when it grows away you've got this big huge ledge so we're trying to get it to go this way we don't want it touching it's just kind of right against it in a very smooth way okay so I'm gonna look at his sideways and I don't know if you can see the cuticles great the apex is getting kind of thin and the end of the nail of course over the tip is super  thin. so there's no strength there whatsoever if you compare it to the first one look at the diff so you can see the thickness I'm not saying it has to be thick I'm just saying it has to be thick enough tips are not thick enough they're too thin to be strong so we're going to put another bead in here and bring it right to the full end so I'm going to bring this second bead I'm going to put it right in the arch area and I'm going to flatten it right down creating a nice smooth transition from the cuticle and I'm going to bring it all the way out to the free edge honestly that was probably a little bit too big. you can see that it's that much debate so I'm just took it right off now I can file this see that I'm going in here and I'm kind of feathering that if I have time I'll do that but if I'm compromising the rest of the nail I won't bother cuz I can actually do that by hand right I could just file that later but I want to make sure that there's enough thickness in the end to shape up nicely and make sure that this is nice and strong there we go so if I look down the barrel of the nail you can see that these two have enough thickness that they won't break and if I'm gonna compare it to the tip I don't know if you can see that see how thin that tip is I'll put my brush on this you can see the top of the tip it's very thin if I put my brush here obviously that's a bit thick if we can file that I put my brush there that's a little bit more just right this one you know it's not much it's just a little bit to make it strong okay we're just gonna keep going till we fill all these guys up now if you wanted to have kind of an Ombre look you could do this kind of design and do clear from here on to the end but I'm not the idea I'm gonna do a full pink nail. I don't know if you can see but as I'm working I'm always getting rid of liquid always dabbing it off my paper towel it's easier to work with a dry brush now I do find this brush it doesn't hold its shape keeping in mind this is not a professional brush and it's harder to get the stuff out of it so I'm gonna have to take it out with my finger I really am noticing the difference I will say for a good quality brush so that's maybe something that's maybe a little frustrating if you're buying a cheaper brush if I was gonna spend some money I'd I would spend more money on the brush yeah just cut okay I just need a little tiny bead by the pinkie. now I'm going to ask more pain to that but it's still wet so I'm going to go away to the thumb. it's nice to get the brush kind of a flat shape and you're literally putting it in between person's cuticle and your product and you should of doing it like to see the same flat brush you're going all the way around the side that it kind of doming it like that and you're just patting it and patting it I'm gently pulling it out at the same time remember guys this is not easy to do it's an art it's a skill just like any other trade can't just slap it on I'm sure you've been to places where they just slap it on but it takes a bit of time to learn how to do it properly okay so we've got the cuticle pretty good so I'm going to do another bead you'll do a bigger bead and we'll take care of the arch in the center all the way to the end and again the more of a giant heed you have the harder it is to control. so if you take ten little beads to get where you're going that's totally fine definitely do that as you're learning and as you get more confident you can get bigger ones and bigger ones but don't try to do that right away it's very frustrating,  okay. so now I'm gonna go back to the pink because I just needed to add another one that's probably a bit big this brush seems to collect a lot I took a lot of third of it off you can do that if you get a bead on there and you're just like that's just you big just cut some of it off and take it right off. so just a double check you just want to look down all the barrels of your nails and make sure they're as thick as you want before you start your filing and sometimes I'll take a quick peek on the side see that nice arch that looks pretty good happy with that guy and sometimes I'll just give them all a quick check make sure I got everything I need okay so at the end you don't really want to touch this so I'll show you the property to do it at the end of it sometimes I do this over airily because I don't have a really good quality brushes but I will literally kind of do this but I'll show you the better way to do it without touching the brush all the time if you touch the monomer all the time you can develop contact dermatitis which is like a reaction to the product you don't want to do that so I will take a cuticle stick and I'll just feather it out gently and see if there's any product that's stuck in it now this is just a fluffy kind of brush I was a little skeptical at first because it was a few bristles that I lost right away you can even see someone the paper here so I get the monomer just kind of soak it with the monomer and I'll roll it if it doesn't twist nicely together there might be some stuff in it I think I got it all out let's see how it's not really keeping it point a really good quality brush keeps its point okay what I'm storing it I do keep monomer in my brush to keep it happy like conditions at almost but don't store it like this inside one of these containers if you store it like this all the old liquid that you're working with well it's not old now but it will be when it runs into the barrel here and then it sits in there and then you come down to work with nails the next day or so when you go to work with it all the product is now old that runs back out into your brush and you go to put it on and I'll turn everything yellow it looks terrible it's just contaminating completely so just roll it up like that keep the monomer in it and lay it flat somewhere this one doesn't have a cap usually like brushes that have caps okay just get rid of this sometimes that happens get rid of this paper towel because you've got all the older the monomers inside here and it smells awful so do you want to get rid of that and then you want to throw that garbage can away if it's bothering you at all and I'll put the lids on these while I've dumped half of it on my towel hey this happens sometimes but I don't really I mean it's tempting to want to take that and put it back into here but if there's any dust filings that I've had on this towel from probably filing it before which probably is you could get back in here and because of problems I wouldn't put it back in there I would just get rid of it so on that note sweetie I'll just give me a second I'm just gonna dump this into me little garbage here now I got pink powder all the way down there okay so now the good part the fun part we're gonna file so of course I picked up all the files that you can get to some we're filing so we can use this one again the same one that you use for prepping they can use to do the shaping now the shaping.

How to apply a acrylic overlay(tips and tricks nail extension and nail shape)

A little wonky now because I have put a bunch of krill ink on it so we can just tighten that up a little bit now you should just go down the sides I just reestablished the exact shape that I want now they're gonna feel stronger now so we're filing them they're not gonna feel is vulnerable as they did when they were just the tips on there finally it's kind of hard to show again you can't feel the pressure and there's so much depth that you're missing when we're doing the videos but I want to show you if you look down the barrel of it so what you're looking at is the thickness all the way down and through and then when you look at it sideways you can see how lumpy or bumpy or smooth and what areas and you can see how thick it is on the end so I'm gonna take my file and I'm gonna file on an angle to take this top side down this way then I'm gonna file this way to take it down so that when I look down it comes to a smooth kind of dolphin nose point so it's all about the angles of your file see not now it's starting to come down and I'll do the same for the other side and then it around the cuticles I'm very careful you don't want to hit the natural nail you can see the way I'm holding it I tend not to do it this way because my fingers just get in the way but this way I can really get a grip on the person's finger and I can pull back quite a bit the skin I don't want to hit those so I'm gonna pull back quite a bit and a lot of times I hit my own nail like look I'm hitting my nail right now this way I can keep that kind of rocking motion going across the top and keep the real roundness of it  may look like I'm doing it flat but I'm only doing it one section and I'm going round since I'm going kind of fast okay and if I'm going flat like this I'm always moving and creating that roundness at the same time that I'm pointless. and you sort of take another look at it you don't want to go too far the last thing you want to do is add acrylic what you can do you don't want to go there if you don't have to I've already thrown my paper towel away. sometimes it can be a little rigid in there so you just want to I always have my finger there to protect their skin though right so if I'm feeling it on me I'm getting close enough but I'd rather be on me than on them so you just want to file that nice and smooth in there cuz polish will settle between those two ridges that looks dreadful so you want to make sure you're kind of filing it in there I'm looking down the barrel of it again and making sure that it's gonna have that nice non thick point to.
  it's very feminine so you don't want to be thick and bulky at the end my goodness.  I know it sounds hilarious if you dropped one you want to be able to pick it up right your nails are super thick it's not gonna get picked up and forget about a dime or a nickel just forget about it. just give a little bit more of an all minute tip there and then I'm gonna take.

This particular file and that's the 400 to 500. we're going to smooth it out quite a bit for Polish if I put polish on this oh you'd see every little scratch but we want to file it right out nice smooth which was the smoother side this one so you want to use the rougher side first and we want to smooth every little spot this will not shape and this will not take away any product this is just smoothing it to take away all the rough lines. and you will see any type of scratch on there if it's pretty good you see so we're gonna flip it over and do it on the other side and this will make it nice and smooth you can't feel it you can't I can't share that so much but if you just feel how smooth that is feel the rough one I didn't feel anything that nice now. watch this once you put the oil on there and you smooth that right in there but the head it just looks like a beautiful natural nail so I'm gonna finish up the rest of these and then we're gonna do some polish so we're just polishing. it seemed pretty just with the one coat it's really gentle. okay so we're just gonna topcoat this and then we're gonna check out the reveals of omens you've never had one before okay let's check it out.

 So if you're wanting to try some tips with an acrylic overlay don't forget the glue was a little bit reading and article. of mine help you with liquid to powder. and how to do tips you can create these too. I hope you enjoyed this article.

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