how to apply a nail tips - Thrijung


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how to apply a nail tips

hey guys  welcome to my article, so

today I will show you how I applied nail tips.

And these are the nail tips, that I have that

I normally use. I usually use transparent nail

tips just because I like when you can

see the glitter, and the color underneath

your nails like this I have my natural

nails right now, so you can't really see

the glitter but if this were to be

transparent tips. then you would be able

to see the glitter and I love that stuff

I normally use these nail tips. and I got them

from and dead in a box I really like

this box. and they're all like in size

order so the nails tip. is pretty curved you

guys always ask me how I do my nails

this curvy and this is what the tips

look like they're pretty curly

themselves so, they do a big part of the

job so it's really easy to work with

them and they are amazing really good

Quality. but the tips that I will show

you today are these  one these tips

are actually from China I don't remember

where I got them but they're so old but

they are also very good I usually use

these tips when I'm doing a new set and

I want the nails to look natural when

these nails don't have that curved, they

are pretty flat which I don't mind

because you can obviously just make your

own curl with the gel but these tips are

really soft too and they work really

Nice. and yes these are the ones that I'm

going to use today and they are perfect

for a natural set and the glue that I

will be using is this a special tip glue

with a brush.

it's from ended obviously I use

everything from end  normally because

their stuff is so cheap and

Yeah, it's up it's awesome like it's

really good quality and it's cheap of

what more can you want.

I have a nail brush a file and a cuticle

pusher so if you want to see how I

applied tips, then keep watching so

before doing anything we want to prepare

the natural nail I'll start off by

pushing back the cuticles and then file

the edge of her natural nail. so that

it's all even to the tip edge so you

know when you're applying the tip that

is actually matches the natural nails we

want it to be really nice and even this

is a really important step of the prep.

you want to file around the cuticle area

softly and around these sidewalls this

is to remove all of the dead skin that

is left on there and you might not see

if I promise you there are a lot of dead

skin on the nail plate, and you want to

get rid of it if you're not doing these

steps then you will obviously have


do you really want to remove all of the

dead skin I'm just roughly filing the

sidewall of the cuticle area and

roughing up the actual nail plate so

that it's not shiny at all

and then I'm just brushing out the done

now we need to find the matching nail

set as you can see this one is a little

bit big we want the tip to be exactly

the same size after natural pick or it

could be a little bit bigger but you

don't want it to be smaller, because if

it's smaller than it's not gonna work

like it's just gonna be really weird and

you're gonna file way too much and it's

gonna be awful so match the tip and then

apply as much glue as you think you need.

I like to put a little bit more than

less because then you will avoid any

bubbles and we don't want any bubbles in

there glows so as you can see we have no

bubbles and the tip goes on perfectly,

this is also real time so I'm not fast

forwarding any things you can actually

see like how long it takes for me to

apply nail tips.

now I'm just using my nail clippers to

cut off to the desired length I forgot

to show you my nail clippers. in the

beginning but I think you can get nail

clippers from anywhere like flip-kart,

 or Amazon, so I got mine I think

I got them from salon yeah.

more likely Amazon I think because

they have really cheap stuff and I think

I paid like $50 for them it's really nice

and it works perfectly fine and I love

it now it's time to file the shape of

the tip. we want to make a ballerina

shape so I'm starting with the sidewalls

and I will file them until they are

pretty much like a ballerina shapes, now

you want the tip also to be really nice

and even to your natural nail you don't

want any gap or the tips sticking out or

Anything, just want it to be really nice

and even by just filing it like I'm

doing right here and be really careful

because if you have a row.



so when you're happy with the shape of

the tip you file down the edge of the

tip so it's flush and even to the

natural nail. and this is really

important because otherwise it's just

gonna be really lumpy and you want the

nail surface to do really smooth before

applying any gel, because then the gel

will be applied really easily and there

will be no weird stuff in your design

later on so you want this nail to be

really smooth. and yeah when you file

down the edge you want to roughen up the

tip a little bit so that it's not shiny

at all because gel doesn't like to be

applied on a shiny surface







so the phone takes a long time but when

you're actually done filing then you

just brush off the dust and a lot of you

done this is the final result I hope you

liked this article. and if you did then

please leave a comment because I love

hearing from you guys, and I also want to

thank you guys so much for your support

like that you are amazing thank you so

much and I will see you in my next article.

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