New tricks of french application - Thrijung


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New tricks of french application

New tricks of french application.

In these article I well show you a  application of French polish__ slightly different
 what we're trying to do is create our smile line so we're
using our white nail polish and don't get scared. when you see what this looks
like to begin with we will achieve. a really nice end result and we'll repeat
this on five fingers again making sure you get down the side that's going to be
important and you'll see why later because to achieve a really nice smile
Line, we have to get down the sides as well whoops.

Something in our nail polish remove,,, That and it'll get us into trouble so what's
your favorite classic French or regular polish, I quite like the French.
very trendy and it goes with everything doesn't it when you put it on it's one
of those finishes that matches every outfit.
So we've done each hand and we've done it once and again just
make sure you get down the side now with quite a French polish it's kind of a
chalk like substance so it's actually very hard to do corrections on it. so
usually you can just do it once otherwise you've got to take it off
completely start again okay so we're going to repeat now doing a second coat
and now you can see that just the density and the coverage is much better
okay now if your clients fingers are getting in the way you just move them

down slightly okay again down the side very important not too thick not too
thin the consistency of your product should be just kind of a nice flowing
feel to it there are lots of different techniques.

how to do French polish but for me this works really well if you want to get the
absolute perfect finish I know it doesn't look like that now but we will
actually achieve that so don't panic it's always good when you're doing a

French polish as well that your white is very fresh because once it begins to
deteriorate it begins to get quite thick and it's pretty difficult to work with
and you're not going to get the nice finish that you require.
now we're finished doing our second white coat we now have to create a nice

"Smile line",,,,,,  going to this time put
acetone into a little and glass ball just a teeny amount because we do have
to keep changing it once it gets any way dirty so get a nice manicure brush.
they're quite strong so I'm going to dip in the acetone I'm going to elevate my
clients and nail because if I do it this way the acetone is going in to go to the
white part of my clients look what I've done so it's going to go into the white
part of my clients and manicure we don't want this so what you do is clients hand.
down and you're going to elevate so that any residue is going to fall down the
nail so now we're going to remove the any excess white and create a nice smile
Line, and now you can see the importance of going down the side because you just

want it to be like a perfect " Halfmoon" and we move on to the next again
remember elevate the finger and go to the side and just very gently remove any

excess that you don't need creating that nice line.

I learned this technique in "India" and

you know how good technicians are how they're really  thorough and

really  good there I thought it was nice to share it with you when

people come for a French polish they really do want it to look pretty perfect

and so it may take you a little while to get this technique but you know what
just keep practicing if there's anything you don't want down the sides just
remove it right underneath just a little quick sweep okay I need to repair this
one so I'm just going to put a teeny bit of and product back on here to try and
disguise it like I said it's very hard.

once you make a mistake with this particular type of product
because it's a chalk like systems so just very gently fill in there you go
it's not always okay that is quite good now what I'm going to do is use what's
called an classic French manicure and we're going to put a little bit of this
color just on the nail plate that isn't am already covered with the white and it
just gives it a really nice healthy look to your nail and again just round don't
let it flood into your cuticle don't go into your white it's just either side,
and depending on the finish that you want we can actually you could put a
very pale pink on top of this and then a topcoat or some people just like to
leave it and have brilliant white I mean I think for you Haley I would suggest.

just a very pale pink on top can we try that would you like that yeah just that
the white is not quite so white again it just depends and sometimes when
your hands colored and tanned you know in the
summer the brilliant white looks really nice but then as it begins to fade it's
just nice to have a more subtle look okay so now I'm going to put a pale pink
on because I just think that will suit and complement her skin color a little
bit better than the stark white and we're just going to again just very
gently walk up the nail brush it very likely that it covers the whole now like
that came you have to be careful that you don't really overload your brush or put
product on too thickly because guaranteed it will just M it will just
come off too quickly for you so nice thin layers of product lovely something
they're really don't want good it really shouldn't matter how short somebody's

Nails are to do this type of French polish and that's the good thing about
it you don't have to have long nails to achieve this really nice end result so
even if you're a nail biter we should be able to achieve a really nice French
polish okay and finally we're just going to put on our nice high gloss this is
called super shiny top coat,,,
                                To give it a nice end result again just remember don't go into your
                                cuticle with your products and on the tip old so just to seed it
                                 all off that it kind of helps it last a little longer for you.
                                 it'd be nice when you get you a nice wedding ring on there the perfect.

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