Home remedies to grow nails in a week - Thrijung


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Home remedies to grow nails in a week

Home remedies to grow nails in a week 

 in this article I'm going to show  you very effective home remedies to grow nails in a week,  and beautiful nails permanently and with very simple ingredients at home. we can prepare this it's actually three steps about very easy and naturally grow longer nails


Home remedies to grow nails in a week.
Vitamin c, citrus fruits for that matter, are rich vitamin C, which is great for combating
Bacteria. It also a strong antioxidant, It is very  important to consume foods that contain vitamin  C or take supplements. It can be found in Citrus fruits oranges, limes and lemons tomatoes, leafy greens, and strawberries.

so the second thing we'll need in a clean mixing bowl, will need around

1/2 teaspoon  of Colgate toothpaste and then will need 1/2 of lemon juice and we need to add just a

little few drops of the fresh lemon juice and mix the ingredients very

well. This remedy is the 3rd step and  so apply it all over your nails and very gently massage your nails with 

this  magical  remedies to grow long nails,  and leave it for five minutes and then  with an eighth of your

toothbrush brush your nails with it like so once you brush your nails we need to

follow it by the 4th step in a clean mixing bowl add one teaspoon of coconut

oil and here I'm using parachutes coconut oil and will need to add one

teaspoon of Vaseline and then we'll need to add 1/2 of fresh

lemon juice and mix all the ingredients  very well

once we make the n combined to all the ingredients very  well apply it all

over your nails like so and massage your nails with this magical remedied like so keep massaging your nails 

remedy will grow your nails super fast it helps your nails to grow super fast

with the first step will actually strengthen your nails so you will get

beautiful long and stronger nails very quickly after massaging your nails with

this magical remedy don't wash it try to get your nails absorb all the

ingredients and leave this overnight this is the best way to use this magical

remedy to grow your real super fast it will stimulate the nail growth for you

this magical remedy can be stored for up to one weeks in the fridge and from the

"Home remedies to grow nails in a week" 

first use you will notice that already gets stronger this is will grow your

nails super fast and super strong.

I hope this article  will help you.

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