How to paint your nails by using with six step.
First thing you have to remove old nail polish off. use an acetone free nail polish remover,
this is the cuccio brand I use acetone free because it takes nail polish off better.
a cotton ball and
take all your nail polish off and then you will go
through and file and
shape your nails. You can choose any shape
but in
This article I well
show you. squared off so the first thing
I will do is square off,
the ends which have been done already and then I go in here on the sides and I get any
the ends which have been done already and then I go in here on the sides and I get any
extra growth off the
sides and then I will curve the corners the next thing
we'll take a
medium grit, nail buffer like this this is one of the four sided nail
buffers you go in
sequence from the roughest side.
next thing I will do is take a cuticle remover
use Beautiful looking natural nails start
with beautiful healthy cuticles remover. and
this is a gel that you squeeze onto
your cuticles and
they let sit for 15 seconds and then take an,
"stainless steel" and
use it around the
edges of the nail like this just to get any extra dead skin and
to push the cuticles
back pushing your cuticles back will make your nails grow
faster because
there's less resistance from the cuticle and then you don't have
any of those split
skin things going on so it's a win way after I use cuticle
remover and wipe it off with lint, or tissue and will go and wash your hands just to get
any extra cuticle
remover dust from the buffer from the nail file off of your nail
and just start fresh
with clean nails will use a base coat first this is the
Cuccio base coat
it's really important to use a base coat it will make your nails
last make your nail
polish last ten times longer the same reason that we use
the buffer it will
make your nail polish last longer. so we
start out with a base coat on all your nails,
then let this dry for about four or five minutes once they dry.
then let this dry for about four or five minutes once they dry.
Now we will going to
nail paint with this with two coats just a
thin coat each time
thick coats take forever to dry so you don't want to do
that and if you
notice on the this hand but don't take the nail polish all the way
up to your cuticles
if you take your nail polish all the way up to your cuticles
you'll end up with
some pooling around the cuticles and it'll just be a big
crusty mess when it
finally dries so in order to keep your nail polish from
getting all the way
to your cuticles or from pooling especially. when you have
like the initial
drop on the brush that kind of gets in there make sure to wipe
off one side of your
nail polish brush. You I'll take the Polish and set it
down in the middle
of the finger and then you push it back and then swipe it
forward to get one
side of the nail you just put it at that line and you swipe
each side now this
is the three swipe method. Where you
cover your whole nail in three
swipes so the same
thing your going to put it in the middle of your nail
push it back towards
the cuticle then pull it forward and then start from the
middle and swipe out
to the side and then just make sure to
get rid of any
streaks or blobs
with a couple more strokes at the end of it so
set it in
the middle push it
back pull it all the way to the front and then you set the
brush right here
back in the middle swipe along both sides and this is the
easiest way you
found to paint yours nails.
first coat
let this dry this coat dry for
about two to three
minutes and do the second coat nails so you do the second
coat basically the
same way but you don't take so much care because you've
already got the
whole nail covered so you can set it down in the middle and
push it actually
cuticle then take one swipe forward and then kind of dip down
for both sides.
now the line where
the nail-polish ends at the cuticle is not exactly straight
it's actually kind
of jagged I'm not very good at getting that perfect curved
line the first time
so what we do to get it nice and curved around the cuticle
and also for cleanup
you take a brush. a bottle of acetone
so take this brush and we will going to dip it
into the acetone and just kind of wipe
off both sides
and going to go right here at you
cuticle line and just kind of start
swiping along the sides of the nail where there's some mess and along the cuticle to clean,
it up a little bit and that more or less will straighten that line so you going to ahead and
swiping along the sides of the nail where there's some mess and along the cuticle to clean,
it up a little bit and that more or less will straighten that line so you going to ahead and
continue that on all
your fingers, so that's all done.
Now we will going to
take a topcoat this is the cuccio topcoat my favorite top coat
It's very good.
so now we well going
to apply a top coat to all your nails and wait for that to dry
top coat is just as
important as a base coat that adds shine to your nails and
it helps them let
helps the manicure last much longer than
it would
without a topcoat
very last thing you can do for your nails which is optional
is take some kind of
moisturizer for your cuticles because used acetone and
used an acetone
based nail polish remover your cuticles are going to be
really dried out so
we will going to use the oil and you pretty much just brush this
along your cuticles
and then you can rub it in and that is it so that is how to paint your nails.
I hope you guys enjoyed this article.
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